Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Hey, I got a little "Secret" to accelerate your weight loss...

It's called Changing Your Mind!  Want to know how?  First you need to understand the Law of Attraction (LOA).  For those of you whom have read or seen The Secret by Rhonda Byrne will already know what I am referring to, but if you have not read the book, here's a short breakdown...

LOA simply states that we create our own realities.  As much as we attract the things we want, unfortunately, we also attract the things we don't want.  For the sake of this blog I am going to address solely how we can apply LOA to losing weight.
Like most people wanting to shed several pounds, it is so easy to get into the mindset that we just don't look they way we want or we can't eat this or that or it's going to take X amount of months to achieve that certain goal.  You can seriously achieve your weight loss goals much quicker if you start THINKING THIN.  Here's how...
Eat, act and live as if you are already thin and fit.  Seriously!  How would you picture a thin and fit person eating?  A little bit slower, savoring each bite?  How would they look and act on a daily basis?  What is their lifestyle like; do they workout regularly? Walk with a little more pep?  Live as if you already are.  Keep a positive focus, daily, on how you think about your life, what you think is possible for yourself and keep these good thoughts and the actions you take on the forefront of your mind.  It will change your habits, keep you inspired, but don't allow yourself to regress.

Look, if you focus your energy on losing 40 pounds, you will continually attract back having to lose 40 pounds.  Delete that from your thoughts.  It is why "diets" just don't work.  The typical "diets" that most people go on are self-sabotaging.  Why?  Because we focus on deprivation.  By LOA, you attract thoughts or images of foods that you can NOT eat.  Turn this around!  Instead, imagine all the amazing and fulfilling foods that you CAN indulge in.  For instance, I can eat all the creamy avocados, juicy mangoes, sweet agave nectar, etc. that I can stomach because this bountiful earth has created them for me! 
By the Law of Attraction, we can obtain our weight loss goals easier because we are attracting these positive changes into our lives.  What we put out into the universe with our energy we will attract back like a magnet.  The mind is really that powerful!

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